Wednesday, September 12, 2007

John: Chapter Two

Chapter Two of John deals with Jesus' first miracle (changing water to wine) and his big entrance into the temple (throwing tables around and throwing everyone out).

One small thing jumped out at me when reading John Chapter Two: When Jesus finally agrees to help out with the wine shortage-- the servants grab six jars probably from outside. These jars were the kind used to wash people's feet. It strikes me odd at first that the water used to clean feet is going to be turned into what the man of the house later calls "the best wine."

But that's how God works. He takes what everyone else discards and makes it what everyone desires. In 1 Corinthians 1.27 it says that God deliberately picks those things that are foolish, silly, weak to shame the arrogant and strong.

This goes hand in hand with God choosing David (the little shepherd boy whose father didn't think to much of) to become king. It is right in line with Jesus born in a lowly manger and becoming the savior of the world. In fact, Jesus 12 disciples (his posse) was a gang of nobodies-- fishermen, blue collar workers, a traitor, a tax collector.

Food for thought then-- don't despise the ugly, little things in life. God can and WANTS to use anything.

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